sezame app availability

Where can I get the Sezame APP?
The APP is ready for download in the Google Play store and on Apple iTunes. The smartphone must offer biometric authentication.

app registration

How can I use the app?
whenever you come across a website with social login capabilities enabled and sezame offered as an option, you can pair and use sezame on that site.

sezame LOGIN

Where can I get sezame LOGIN?
the existing versions are discontinued. we are currently working on new versions for Windows 10 and MacOS 11 and will release beta versions soon.
What are the requirements for LOGIN?
LOGIN is currently supported on all Windows 8 and 10 versions and on Mac OS 10.11 - 10.14

sezame SAFE

Where can I get sezame SAFE?
the existing versions are discontinued. we are currently working on new versions for Windows 10 and MacOS 11 and will release beta versions soon.
What are the requirements for SAFE?
SAFE is currently supported on all Windows 8 and 10 versions and on Mac OS 10.12 - 10.15
Still have a question?
Please use the form below to contact us with any questions or feedback, we appreciate it!